Monday, 4 November 2013

Revision for 'Nature and Value of Human Life' Topic- Human Nature and the Human Condition

Imago Dei
  • Only Human beings (Genesis 1: 26-8- "Let us make humans in our image") Moral, spiritual, stewards. 
  •  Ability to reason- Ancient and medieval Xian theologians. E.g. Irenaeus of Lyons: Distinction between image and likeness (loss of image in the fall) only through excepting Gods grace and love and the redeeming action of Christ that we can be restored to his image (salvation history) 
  • After reformation: Imago Dei = self consciousness (Schleiermacher) and relationship with God (Karl Barth and Martin Luther)
  • Modern theologian: Influenced by interpretations above whilst also the added influence of science which clearly stresses human continuity with nature through our evolutionary heritage-Langdon Gilkey and Gregory R. Peterson = all of nature should be understood as in the 'image of God' 

  •  Human beings are sentient beings who interact with others and have preferences concerning continued life. (Peter Singer)
  • A human is any being capable of valuing its own life (John Harris)
  • These both have ethical implications as a baby, foetus or someone with brain abnormalities would (by these principles) not qualify as human whilst a chimpanzee or dolphin would. 

Dominant idea in Xianity: Our relationship with God defines humanity from the rest of nature: 
  • Imago Dei also means we are constantly reminded by each other of God and our relationship with him. 
  • Golden rule- Reinforces idea of stewardship 

    Link : God is within us
    • 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Your body is Gods temple" 
    • 2nd Vatican Council " Conscience is the sanctuary of man, there he is alone with God" (shows relationship with God through this) 

    Humans are relational: 

    1. Nicene Creed: Interrelationship between Father, Son and Holy Spirit.("By the power of the Holy Spirit He [being The Father] was made incarnate [being Jesus]")
    2. Principle conferred onto humanity through teaching of Imago Dei (Gen 1:26-8)
    3. Reinforced by Golden Rule "Love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31)
    Humans= Posterior
    Rather than stating how we are different to things 'below' such as animals, C.S Lewis explores the idea that we are different from the sublime as we have a sensory experiance of the world. Our ability to feel pain and pleasure defines us as 'humans' " The pleasure and the pang --can angels measure it?
    An angel has no nose." -On Being Human 

    Humans are dependent on God: 
    -Exist because of God (Genesis 1-3) (Psalm 139-13)Lord u created all my inner knit me together" 

    Humans are rational: 

    • T. Aquinas developed ideas of Aristotle: Humans are on same level as rest of creation but with added rationality. 
    • Augustine developed ideas of Plato: Eternity of Human Soul 

    Original Sin: 
    • Genesis 3:1-20Condition of Humanity. The reason we suffer pain, toil and death. 
    • As result of Adam and Eves disobedience to God, Humans are now separated from God (an epistemic distance- distance of understanding). Thus bringing dissatisfaction and guilt into our lives. 
    • It is only by accepting Gods grace, love and forgiveness that we will be saved (salv history) 
    Doctrine of Original Sin largely originated from Augustine
    • Born into sinful state (Tendency to sin- Concupiscence
    • we have Free Will (Humans are free) 
    • Because original sin was utterly a free choice it was ever more serious resulting in damnation from all humanity (as now concupiscence is seminally present in all of humanity)
    Westermann: These stories are not historical but illustrations of how humans can rebel against God and the outcome of this. He argues that Sinfullness in an aspect of human nature

    1 comment:

    1. Excellent notes, again, Rosa - I'm really impressed that you're using this site as a space to reflect on your class work and independent research. Well done!

      Slightly marred by the spelling/grammar mistakes - humans = a posteriori is what you meant, I think (for example).
